Thursday, May 7, 2009

Baroque & Rococco Art

Baroque started roughly at the beginning of the 17th century in Rome, Italy. Baroque style was all about everyday like with everyday people. the color was very earthly, and the main subject was usually the brightest spot on the painting. There was also emotion in the body language and faces.
Baroque art was considered an insult. Artists didnt paint the rich and the beautiful, but the everyday hard working middle class. Some famous artists during the Baroque style was Giuseppe Cesari, and Caravaggio.

Rococco Art was about delicate colors and curving forms, while decorating their canvases with cherubs and myths of love. Landscape scenes were common in Rococo paintings. The art work was about the joys of life. Jean-Antoine Watteau, who was born 1684 and died 1721 is generally considered the first great Rococo painter.

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